Program for microsatellite selection and primer design

Running QDD-Galaxy

  1. Start up the galaxy server.
    • Open a terminal (by clicking on the Ubuntu icon in the top left corner of the VM display and type 'terminal' in the search box)
    • Type in the terminal:

      cd ~/galaxy-dist/
      sudo sh run.sh

      You will be prompted to type the password (qddGalaxy).
      You will see plenty of messages on the screen.
      Wait till you see

      serving on http//127.0.1:8080

    • Leave the terminal open. You can close it by typing Ctrl C
      only when you have finished with the Galaxy server.
  2. Connect to the local galaxy server from your web browser at
  3. When Galaxy starts you will find 3 panels
    • The left shows you the different tools available
    • The right shows the files in your history
    • The middle contains different information according to the context (help and input settings for the tools, contents of the output files)
    • screenshot: Galaxy panels

  4. Create an account in the User menu (black line on top of the page), so you can save your histories, workflows, share you data etc.

    If you are using Galaxy in the VM there is already an account you can use. It already contains qdd workflows and sample histories:

    • Email: qddGalaxy@gmail.com
    • Pwb: qddGalaxy
    • public name: qdd-galaxy
  5. First you need to send your data files to Galaxy.
    • Create a new history by clicking on the dented wheel on the top right, and selecting 'Create New'.

      screenshot: Create new history in Galaxy

    • User =>Saved histories => Rename

      You can rename your history by selecting 'Saved histories' in the 'User' menu, and selecting and renaming your current history.

    • Get Data => Upload file

      Select 'Upload file' from the 'Get Data' menu in the left panel.

      You can either use the browser to find the file in your computer, or copy the URL from which it can be uploaded.

      When first using Galaxy it is better to use the example files found in /home/qdd/galaxy-dist/tools/qdd/data of the VM.

      To get your own files to the VM, you can either

      • Set up a shared folder between the host system and the guest system (see documentation at www.virtualbox.org) or
      • use an external drive.
        1. Devices => USB devices => your drive

          From the menu Devices/USB devices select the external drive with your data on. The drive will be available to the VM but not for your host machine.

          screenshot: Access USB drive in VM

        2. To get data to galaxy directly from your external drive, use the browse button to find your drive in /media/.

          screenshot: Get files from USB drive to Galaxy

  6. You are ready to run QDD. You can either run a workflow or run the four pipes one after the other.
  7. Running QDD pipes one by one
    • Select pipe1 form the QDD menu on the left panel and set the input parameters in the middle panel and execute the program.
      • The input fasta file is compulsory.
      • Choose the sequence type (contigs or reads). This will alter the parameters you need to set.
      • The help at the bottom of the middle panel gives a short description of pipe1.
      • screenshot: Run QDD pipe1 in Galaxy

    • Once the run is finished, the output files are found in the right panel.
      • You can check them by clicking on the eye icon next to the file name. The beginning of the file appears in the middle panel.
      • screenshot: View file in Galaxy

      • You can rename them by clicking on the pencil next to the file name.
      • You can download them by clicking on the file name and then on the download icon that appears.
      • QDD produces more files than the ones that appear by default. If you want to see all of them, you can click on the dented wheal icon (top right) and select the 'Unhide Hidden Dataset' option.
    • You can run pipe2, 3 and 4 in the same way.
      • The input file for the pipe2 is the output of pipe1 Input for pipe2.
      • The input file for the pipe3 is the output of pipe3 Input for pipe3'
      • The input file for the pipe4 is the Table with primers produced by pipe3.
    • The most important output files are
      • Table with primers and Table with primers, RepeatMasker and NCBI BLAST info which are a tab delimited tables that contains primer pairs and a lot of supplementary information to help you to choose the markers and the primers that best suite you. See for details in the Output files section.
        These files can be easily opened in excel once downloaded.
      • Sequences with primers.
      • Do not neglect the log files, that contain all the input parameters and summary information on the results.
  8. Running QDD as a workflow
    • You can access your workflows by choosing the Workflow in the menu on the top of the page. For using workflows, you have to be logged in (User in the top menu).
    • You can edit or run a workflow by clicking on the triangle next to its name
    • screenshot: Run or Edit Workflow in Galaxy

    • When editing the workflow, click on the block representing the step you want to edit. In the right panel you can change the input parameters. Do not forget to save your modifications (top right).
    • screenshot: Edit Workflow in Galaxy

    • Once edited, you can run the workflow.
      1. Select a history, or make a new one with your input files in it.
      2. Choose the Workflow menu (in black top menu bar), select the workflow you want to run, and select run.
      3. In the middle panel you can check again the input parameters, but you cannot modify them.
      4. screenshot: Last check of Workflow in Galaxy before run

    • The output files appear in the right panel.
  9. When it seems too long...
    • Galaxy sometimes appear to be blocked, but usually it is only the right lane panel that is not refreshed. You can click to the double arrow icon on the top right to refresh this panel.
    • screenshot: Refresh history panel in Galaxy

    • While a script is running, you can see the output files in yellow, with a turning wheel showing that galaxy is working. If you would like more information, you can unhide the hidden files, and look at the file pipeX messages on screen to have more information on the steps being executed.
      This file can also contain error messages if something turns wrong.
    • screenshot: Unhide hidden files in Galaxy

    • If you have plenty of sequences with primers, pipe4 can take hours or days to finish. The most important results you already have in the Table with primes. Pipe4 will complete this file with RepeatMasker and NCBI BLAST information. It is up to you to decide how important it is for you to get this supplementary information.

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Running QDD on command line

Pipe1-4 can be run separately or all in one go. In both cases, default parameters are read from set_qdd_default.ini file but they can be overwritten by using command line options.
See examples below.

Running pipe1-4 separately

  1. Open a terminal
    Help windows (START =>Program =>Accessories => Command Prompt), Help linux
  2. Change directory in a terminal to the qdd folder (that contains the scripts; e.g. cd d:\QDD)
  3. Make sure that the out_folder in set_qdd_default.ini is set to an existing folder. If not, modify the setting or create the folder.
  4. Run pipe1.pl, pipe2.pl, pipe3.pl and pipe4.pl
    • The general syntax for running these scripts is

      perl pipeX.pl -parameter_name parameter_value

    • The -input_file option is compulsory, all others are optional.
    • If a parameter is not specified in the command line, the default value specified in the set_qdd_default.ini file is used
See examples below.

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Run all pipes in one go / batch submission / sorting sequences by tags

QDD.pl runs the four pipes one after the other, handles batch submission and can sort sequences in the input files according to tags. The tag sorting option is available only in command line option and not in QDD-Galaxy.

The general syntax is

perl QDD.pl -parameter_name parameter_value

  1. Batch submission: in QDD.pl instead of one input file (-input_file) an input folder should be set (-input_folder).

    This enables users to run many files in one go without giving each file name separately.

    • The input_folder should contain all and only the input files (without the adapter or tag file) and they will be run one after the other.
    • You have to use -input_folder even if you have only one input file.
    • The -input_file option does not exists in QDD.pl.

  2. The option -run_all set to 1 prompts QDD to run all 4 pipes one after the other for all files in the input folder.

    If -run_all is 0 only the tag sorting is done (see bellow)

    perl QDD.pl -input_folder data/ -run_all 1

  3. The option -tag set to 1 prompts QDD to sort sequences in the input file(s) according to tags.

    In this case -tag_file should be set to the name of the fasta file (including path) containing all tags.

  4. Apart from the -input_file and -outfile_string parameters, all other parameters described for pipe1-4 are also valid for QDD.pl
See examples below.

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Examples for running QDD from the command line


You have an assembly (there might just be contigs) of an insect genome and you want to compare the sequences with successful primer design to known transposable elements. Since you have done your assembly correctly, you do not need to check the contamination.

You have set the different paths in the set_defalut_qdd.ini, but let all the other default values:

Download input and output files of example1 here.

perl pipe1.pl -input_file c:\qdd_data\example1.fas -contig 1

perl pipe2.pl -input_file c:\qdd_output\example1_pipe1_for_pipe2.fas -make_cons 0

perl pipe3.pl -input_file c:\qdd_output\example1_pipe2_for_pipe3.fas -contig 1

perl pipe4.pl -input_file c:\qdd_output\example1_pipe3_primers.tabular -rm 1 -rm_lib insecta

These four steps can be done all at once by running QDD.pl

perl QDD.pl -input_folder c:\data_example1 -contig 1 -make_cons 0 -rm 1 -rm_lib insecta

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You have 454 reads in a fasta file. Adapters have already been removed from your sequences. You would like to check contamination by blasting the putative markers against genbank as a remote BLAST, since you have not downloaded the nt databases of the NCBI. You do NOT want to screen for transportable elements, since (i) you are working on windows (ii) and you have an exotic taxonomic group where there is little info on existing transposable elements anyway.

You have set the different paths in the set_defalut_qdd.ini, but let all the other default values:

Download input and output files of example2 here.

perl pipe1.pl -input_file c:\qdd_data\example2.fas

perl pipe2.pl -input_file c:\qdd_output\example2_pipe1_for_pipe2.fas

perl pipe3.pl -input_file c:\qdd_output\example2_pipe2_for_pipe3.fas

perl pipe4.pl -input_file c:\qdd_output\example2_pipe3_primers.tabular -check_contamination 1

These four steps can be done all at once by running QDD.pl

perl QDD.pl -input_folder c:\data_example2 -check_contamination 1

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You have one or more files with 454 reads that contain tags at the beginning of the sequences that identify the origin of the sequence, and thus sequences need to be sorted into separate files according to tags.

You have adapters to be removed from your sequences (after sorting them by tag)

You would like to check contamination by blasting the putative markers against the nt database of ncbi, that you have downloaded and extracted on your computer and set the name and the location of this database (-blastdb) in the set_defalut_qdd.ini as well as -local_blast to 1.

You have set the different paths in the set_defalut_qdd.ini, but let all the other default values (except for -local_blast 1).

Download input and output files of example3 here.

Tag sorting step can be done only by QDD.pl and not by pipe1.pl

perl QDD.pl -input_folder c:\data_example3 -tag 1 -tag_file c:\myfolder\tag.fas -adapter 1 -adapter_file c:\myfolder\adapter.fas -check_contamination 1

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You have Illumina or Ion Torrent low coverage data in fastq format, thus assembling the reads does not make sense. You have trimmed off low quality regions of the reads.
You would like to check contamination by blasting the putative markers against genbank as a remote BLAST, since you have not downloaded the nt databases of the NCBI, and you would also like to compare the sequences with successful primer design to known transposable elements of vertebrates.

You have set the different paths in the set_defalut_qdd.ini, but let all the other default values:

Download input and output files of example4 here.

perl pipe1.pl -input_file c:\qdd_data\example4.fas -fastq 1

perl pipe2.pl -input_file c:\qdd_output\example4_pipe1_for_pipe2.fas

perl pipe3.pl -input_file c:\qdd_output\example4_pipe2_for_pipe3.fas

perl pipe4.pl -input_file c:\qdd_output\example4_pipe3_primers.tabular -check_contamination 1 -rm 1 -rm_lib vertebrates

These four steps can be done all at once by running QDD.pl

perl QDD.pl -input_folder c:\data_example4 -fastq 1 -check_contamination 1 -rm 1 -rm_lib vertebrates

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List of parameters (Set in the set_qdd_default.ini file or on the command line)

Complete list of QDD parameters

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